Which vitamins and minerals are taken together Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients and everyone knows the need for them for the body. They are mostly obtained through food, but in many cases additional intake is required. It is important to know which vitamins and minerals create a good combination with each other in order for the complexes that are made of them to be as effective as possible. To make this selection, some basic knowledge of the properties of vitamins and minerals is needed.
Methodology for taking vitamins and minerals
They can be divided mainly into the following groups – fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body and later it draws from these reserves. For this reason, vitamins from this group are taken continuously or regularly during periods of rest. Such vitamins are A, D, E, K. They are found in foods rich in fat – meat containing fat, milk, fish, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocados. Vitamin C is water-soluble, B vitamins are obtained from whole grains, meat, dairy foods, fruits and vegetables.
They can be divided mainly into the following groups – fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in the body and later it draws from these reserves. For this reason, vitamins from this group are taken continuously or regularly during periods of rest. Such vitamins are A, D, E, K. They are found in foods rich in fat – meat containing fat, milk, fish, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, avocados. Vitamin C is water-soluble, B vitamins are obtained from whole grains, meat, dairy foods, fruits and vegetables.
They are easily absorbed by the body and quickly transferred to organs and tissues. However, they do not stay long in the body, which excretes them in the urine. The division of synergists and antagonists in vitamins, or in other words – those that support and those that interfere with absorption by neutralizing, is fundamental and good to know. Remember these combinations of vitamins and minerals that must be drunk together.
Vitamin C + vitamin E. It is a water-soluble vitamin that cannot be synthesized by the body, so it is obtained with food or as a dietary supplement. Grapefruit, lemon, orange, strawberries and raspberries are foods that can provide this vitamin. However, it slows down the absorption of vitamin B12, with which they are antagonists and do not combine. As an oxidant, it is a synergist with vitamin E.
Vitamin B1 + calcium + magnesium Thiamine, calcium and magnesium are synergists because the minerals reduce the solubility of B1 in the aqueous environment created in the body, and this aids its absorption.
Vitamin B2 + Vitamin B6 Riboflavin should be combined with vitamin B6. Copper ions, zinc and iron slow down the absorption of vitamin B2.
Vitamin B6 + vitamin B2 + magnesium This vitamin is synergistic with the trace element magnesium, as well as with vitamin B2. It is involved in the production of hemoglobin and the connection between neurons and therefore has an important place in the body.
Vitamin B12 – Vitamin C Vitamin B12 is vital and is excreted in the small intestine, but in small amounts. Obtained with red meat, liver or seafood. Its antagonist is vitamin C, which interferes with its absorption. We get the sun vitamin from the sun’s rays, as well as from oily fish, cheese and cottage cheese. It ensures that calcium is well absorbed by the body. In the absence of vitamin D, calcium is deficient and osteoporosis occurs.
Vitamin A + iron It is needed by the immune system, vision, skin. If it is in sufficient quantity, it helps the absorption of iron, so its synergists are iron supplements. Otherwise it is found in carrots, pumpkins, spinach, apricots and cottage cheese.