Why should not eat fruit at night

Why should not eat fruit at night, according to surveys of medical specialists showed how harmful can be the consumption of fruits evening. However useful they are, in principle, a real risk, if not consumed in moderation.
Fruits are rich in sugar.

It is believed that they are the one of the main causes of fat in the liver. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is dangerous in large doses. It is a sweet poison our body. It is therefore not advisable fruit is consumed in large quantities, especially in the evening.

In your daily menu should pay attention to several factors. Lunch example should not be heavy. It is better to eating nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, as well as a fruit – orange or tangerine.

Drinking juice several fruit is not recommended. Glycemic load very quickly enters the bloodstream and raises the level of sugar in it.

Until recently it was thought that the consumption of more raw fruit or juice lowers blood pressure. Today, not only has not established a direct law supporting this thesis, on the contrary – increased consumption of fruits actually raises blood pressure, although the change is hardly noticeable.

Why should not eat fruit at night

Truth revealed: Should you eat fruits at night? | The Times of India

One of the often-cited reasons is that eating fruit at night is believed to increase blood sugar levels, which, when not utilized for physical activity as it might be during the day, could lead to these sugars being stored as fat. This concern is built upon the understanding of how the body metabolizes sugar and the reduced physical activity that typically comes at night.

Another aspect that is sometimes mentioned is the potential for fruit acids or the fiber in fruits to cause discomfort or digestion issues when consumed late at night. Some believe that the body’s digestive process slows down during sleep, and thus eating fruits, which can be rich in fiber and natural acids, could lead to indigestion or acid reflux in sensitive individuals.

There’s also the notion regarding the circadian rhythm—the body’s natural clock—which some suggest might be disrupted by eating certain types of food, such as fruit, later in the evening. The argument there is that because fruits are natural sources of energy, they might lead to wakefulness or disturbed sleep if consumed before bed.

However, whether or not someone should eat fruit at night is quite individual. There’s limited scientific evidence to suggest this practice is universally harmful. Many dietitians and nutritionists instead recommend moderation and understanding one’s own body’s responses to eating different foods at different times. For most healthy individuals, eating fruit at night in reasonable quantities should not pose significant health risks and can even provide necessary fiber and vitamins that are beneficial regardless of the time of day.

For up-to-date diet and nutrition advice, or if one has specific health conditions that require tailored dietary guidelines, it’s always recommended to consult a dietitian or a healthcare provider.

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