Useful properties of rice porridge

Useful properties of rice porridge treats sick stomach and nerves. Cassia has long been a traditional dish for many peoples.

Some prefer corn, others are buckwheat, and the English think that it is no longer delicious than the oatmeal. It is believed that one of the oldest pulp is rice.

Archaeologists are convinced that rice has been grown in Southeast Asia five thousand years ago. In Russia, rice has appeared only three centuries ago.

In Japan, where eating rice is a tradition of distant times, it is believed that this food not only contains many useful substances but also helps in the development of the intellect.

Useful properties of rice porridge

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The high biological utility of rice is based on eight essential amino acids – tryptophan, methionine, choline, lecithin, lysine, histidine, cystine and arginine.

In addition, rice contains B and FP vitamins, carotene, thiamine, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, iodine and other trace elements as well as proteins.

The rice pulp is very nutritious and is recognized as a dietary product. It is recommended for diseases of the digestive system, the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

In case of stomach ups, the rice porridge boiled with water forms cloudy mucus and successfully replaces the medication.

There are many varieties of rice that have differences in the content of useful substances. But much more important is the way rice is processed because most vitamins and trace elements are not contained in the grain, but in the shell.

That’s why brown rice, which has retained part of the shell, contains more trace elements and white vitamins. Whether in the form of mash or sushi, rice is an extremely tasty food and is a good substitute for bread and pasta.

If you want to forgive some pounds, simply replace the bread with your rice menu.

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