The best foods against blood clotting

The best foods against blood clotting and additional means for a functioning circulatory system. Blood problems are something very serious. If you later start having problems with your blood vessels and blood clots, you can end up with very serious health problems, including a stroke.

In general, the blood is influenced by our whole way of life, the most important being mobility and diet. There is good news: with the help of special foods and means you can improve and reduce blood clotting and prevent thrombosis. Thick blood is a very dangerous phenomenon. The risk of thrombosis increases, the likelihood of varicose veins is high.

The work of blood vessels is difficult, and blood clots can block small vessels, slow the delivery of oxygen to various organs and increase the risk of stroke. Therefore, if you suspect or know you have viscous blood, you should see your doctor first. And then – review your diet. And include foods that help thin the blood.

Dietary anticoagulants include foods rich in salicylic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine and vitamin E. Water We are 90% water and the blood needs a normal water balance in our body. Therefore, at the first signs of varicose veins and other blood problems, you should consider whether you drink enough water. 2-2. 5 liters per day is the average intake, if your weight is high enough, you may need 3 liters.

In any case, the body needs a lot of fluids and the doctor will determine more precisely the individual norm. Raspberries Raspberries contain the same substance as aspirin, which is often drunk to reduce blood viscosity. But aspirin has side effects, it negatively affects the stomach and mucous membranes, and raspberries do not.

The best foods against blood clotting

7 Foods on a Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention Diet

So eat fresh raspberries, raspberry jam

Folk medicine also recommends a decoction of raspberry and blackcurrant leaves. Linseed oil It contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids needed for blood vessels, as well as vitamin E. It has the ability to restore the elasticity of blood vessels. Oily fish A source of healthy fats and a fighter against atherosclerotic plaques.



A powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, promotes the resorption of blood clots. It is recommended to use fresh or slightly dried in fresh air.

Sea cabbage

Foods containing iodine are very good for the blood. They reduce the viscosity of the blood and increase vascular tone. So all seafood is a major candidate for the mass of people with thick blood.
Mulberry will help you in this case


Fresh Slicing Tomato, Each -

The lycopene contained in them helps to normalize cholesterol levels. And routine strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Paradise apple It contains many antioxidants, and due to the presence of flavonoids dilutes the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood cholesterol levels.

Red cabbage

In general, any cabbage is useful, including sauerkraut, but red cabbage contains a lot of potassium, which is very useful for blood vessels, vitamin C and B vitamins.

Therefore, cabbage stimulates metabolism, improves blood quality and prevents blood clots. Honey It has a very good effect on the blood, including its dilution. It prevents the formation of blood clots. Citrus fruits They contain vitamin C and a lot of water. Lemon is especially good for thinning the blood. So tea with lemon and a spoonful of honey is a great idea.

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