Functions of lycopene

Functions of lycopene as a powerful antioxidant. Many substances have the ability to protect our body from many diseases and aging processes of the body. Many of them are found in various food products that are available all year round. To these useful substances we can include lycopene, as it has many useful foods properties for our body.

What is lycopene

Foto Pessoa segurando tomate cereja – Imagem de Alimento grátis no Unsplash

Plants have certain carotenoids – photochemicals / pigments that give color to the leaves, flowers and fruits of plants. These substances include lycopene, which has a powerful biological effect. This substance has the ability to color the fruit red or orange, while contributing to the breakdown of fats and is one of the strongest natural antioxidants.

The processes of energy production in cells occur with the active participation of oxygen. Chemically active molecules (free radicals) carry blood in the body and participate in oxidative processes.
They disrupt the work of cells and this is the main cause of aging. In turn, lycopene binds free radicals and prevents aging.

Benefits of lycopene

Lycopene là gì? Những lợi ích của lycopene đối với cơ thể

The substance has an extremely beneficial effect on the whole body, including helping to:
– no atherosclerotic plaques form in the blood; – the elasticity of the vessels increases; – cholesterol levels are reduced; – improves the condition of the immune system, including preventing cancerous cell degeneration.
Of course, the causes of cancer are very different, and many of them are still being studied. However, it has been proven that one of the factors is free radicals, and even here lycopene is extremely useful. In addition, it has been proven that the high concentration of this substance in the blood reduces the risk of heart attack by as much as 50% and stroke by 39%.
In cancer patients with prostate neoplasms, lycopene has been shown to reduce cancer cell division and metastasis by 70-79%. In addition, it is able to normalize the intestinal flora, suppressing the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Such a protective effect is due to its ability to absorb ultraviolet rays and protect against skin cancer. Lycopene protects the body from damage by pesticides, toxins and yeast infections. It slows down and protects against several types of cancer:

Lycopene is also good for eyesight while having a prophylactic effect against cataracts. As a result of oxidative stress, not only free radicals are formed, but also the tissues and vessels of the retina are destroyed. This is the main cause of some diseases of the visual organ in adults.
It affects the chemical processes that lead to macular degeneration in old age. The substance has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore has an extremely beneficial effect in a number of ocular pathologies, including those that lead to macular degeneration.

On the other hand, lycopene has an analgesic effect and can be used in the treatment of various neuropathies. Along with this, it not only improves the self-esteem and condition of the patient, but also helps to lose weight.
Lycopene is also recommended as a prophylactic in brain diseases and Alzheimer’s disease. In general, this substance has a very beneficial effect in the treatment of neurological pathologies, including counteracting the destruction and death of brain cells.

It is very useful in spinal injuries and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Helps reduce epileptic seizures, due to the neuroprotective properties of the substance. Lycopene also helps with:

Unfortunately, our body cannot independently synthesize this substance, which is formed in plants during photosynthesis. To get it in sufficient quantity, it is important to know which products are rich in lycopene.
For example, one of the signs that a product is rich in it is the bright and deep red color. Absolute champions in this regard are tomatoes, especially heat-treated. They are also found in watermelon, apricot, pink grapefruit, red cabbage, guava super fruit, papaya, asparagus, mango, carrots.

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