Do not eat fruit in the evening

Do not eat fruit in the evening for several reasons that we will share in this short article. A recent study of specialist doctors shows how harmful the consumption of fruit can be in the evening.

However useful they are in general, there is a real danger if they are not consumed by a measure. The fruits are rich in sugar. It is believed that they are one of the main causes of fat in the liver. Fructose or fruit sugar is dangerous in large doses. It is thought to be the sweet poison of our organism.

Why should not we eat fruit in the evening?

Truth revealed: Should you eat fruits at night? | The Times of India

It is therefore not advisable to consume the fruits in large quantities, especially in the evening. In our daily menu we have to pay attention to several other factors. Lunch, for example, should not be heavy.

It is good to eat nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts, and one fruit – orange or mandarin. Drinking squeezed juice from several fruits is also not recommended.

Glycemic load quickly enters the blood and increases the sugar level in it. Until recently, it was believed that eating more raw fruit or juice led to lower blood pressure.

Today, however, not only is there no direct normality that supports this thesis, but on the contrary – increased consumption of fruit actually increases blood pressure, although change is barely noticeable.

In general, fruits should be eaten before eating to prevent their high sugar content from being distributed in simpler forms of absorption.

It is best to take it 15 to 20 minutes before eating, when the fruit will be ground and you will not have a problem with digestion.

Another problem that may occur when eating berries at bedtime or after one of the main meals is the ability of sugars to ferment and cause gasses.

This in turn can lead to swelling of the stomach. Fruits are good for health, being a great source of antioxidants, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, fiber, and so on.

They help digestion, they are easy to digest, but while it is good to eat fruits, watch when and how you do it – it is best to eat before eating.

What health effects can eating fruit at night cause?

Is it true that it is harmful to eat fruit at night? - Quora

Eating fruit at night is a topic that often comes with varying opinions and beliefs. The health effects of consuming fruit in the evening hours can depend on several factors, including an individual’s overall diet, metabolism, digestive health, and personal health goals.

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers, and they typically have a high water content. They provide a natural source of sugar, which is generally considered healthier than added sugars because it comes with a host of other nutrients. The fiber in fruit helps slow down the digestion of these sugars, leading to a more gradual release of energy and a more stable blood sugar level compared to refined sugars.

For some individuals, eating fruit at night may have potential benefits. For example, the natural sweetness of fruit can satisfy dessert cravings without the need for high-calorie or processed sweet treats. The fiber content can also contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially aiding in weight management by preventing late-night snacking on less healthy options.

However, there are considerations to keep in mind. Eating fruit close to bedtime might not be ideal for everyone. The natural sugars in fruit can cause a rise in blood sugar levels, which for some people may lead to difficulty sleeping or disturbances throughout the night. This is particularly relevant for those with diabetes or blood sugar management issues, as they need to monitor their sugar intake and its timing closely.

Additionally, for individuals with digestive issues such as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), eating fruit at night could potentially worsen symptoms. Fruits like oranges, pineapples, and tomatoes are acidic and might increase the likelihood of heartburn when lying down.

It’s also worth noting that the body’s metabolism slows down during sleep, and while this doesn’t necessarily convert fruit into fat, it does mean that the energy provided by the fruit isn’t needed as much as it would be during the day. Therefore, if one’s daily caloric intake exceeds what the body uses, this could contribute to weight gain over time, regardless of the time of day the calories are consumed.

In conclusion, eating fruit at night can have different effects depending on the individual. While fruits are a healthy choice, those who are sensitive to sugars or have certain medical conditions should consider the timing of their fruit intake. It’s always advisable to listen to one’s body and possibly consult with a healthcare provider or nutritionist to determine the best dietary choices for one’s specific needs and circumstances.

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