Storage and preservation of lemons

Storage and preservation of lemons, despite their acidity, lemons spoil like any other fruit. Wrinkled, soft or hard patches and dark color are signs that the lemon has started to lose its flavor and juice. Prevent this by learning how to store lemons at the right temperature.

Storage of whole lemons

How to make preserved lemons recipe - BBC Food

If you intend to use lemons within a few days of purchase, store them away from direct sunlight. They usually stay fresh for about a week at room temperature. After this point they start to wrinkle, lose their color and develop soft or hard spots. Store the remaining lemons you have not used, sealed in an envelope in the refrigerator.

Place the lemons in zippered envelopes, taking the air out of them (as much as you can). In this state, lemons can retain most of their juice and flavor for four weeks. The ideal storage temperature for mature (yellow) lemons is between 4˚C and 10˚C (39-50˚F). For most refrigerators, the average shelves or door shelves are around this temperature.

Storage of cut lemons

Preserved lemons and limes recipe - Recipes -

The cut side of the lemon should be covered. Reduce the loss of water and the oxidation that occurs in contact with air. Here are some ways to do this:
– Place the lemon halves on a dish with a cut down;
– Wrap pieces of lemon in stretch film;
– If you have a small hermetic container, put the pieces of lemon in it.
Freeze lemons
Although they last longer than most other fruits, lemons are still fit for use within 2-3 days of cutting. You can freeze lemon slices for drinks. This is done by ordering on baking paper, not touching each other.

They freeze as soon as they are ready, put in a zippered bag and put them back in the freezer. Freezing lemons (or any food products) on a baking sheet prevents them from sticking together. Frozen slices are best added to cold drinks directly from the freezer while they are still solid.

Storage of juice and lemon peel

How To Make Preserved Lemons - The Daring Gourmet

Chilled lemon juice (juice) – Despite its acidity, lemon juice can develop bacteria if it stays at room temperature and breaks down. After about 2-4 days in the refrigerator, the juice will also lose its flavor. Discard it when it darkens or loses most of its taste, usually after about 7-10 days. The juice is stored in dark bottles. Bottled lemon juice bought in the store usually contains preservatives that increase the shelf life to several months.

Freeze the remaining juice in ice forms. This is the easiest way to freeze excess juice. After you freeze it, transfer it to a sealed plastic bag in the freezer. Store the lemon peel in a hermetically sealed container. Keep in a cool, dry place. Fresh grated lemon peel is quite appealing to bacteria. Use this lemon peel for 2-3 days. You can freeze lemon peel like lemon juice. There is a little obsolete way to store lemon – namely in salt. So he keeps his fresh look. Here’s how it works:

1. Clean lemons and wash them. Do not wash with soaps and chemicals with a liquid consisting of vinegar and soda for bread;

2. Cut the lemons in the desired size;

3. In a jar alternate row of salt, a row of lemons. You can use any kind of salt you want as long as there is no iodine in it. Using iodine will discolour the fruits;

4. To keep it safe, keep the jar in the refrigerator where it can be stored and used for up to 1 year.
How to use these lemons?

This is probably the easiest part of everything. Take a piece of salt, rinse it and use it as fresh lemon – it’s just that.

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