Seafood delicacies on the table

Seafood delicacies on the table perfect way to get Omega 3. Salmon keep our heart healthy and lobsters is the best aphrodisiac! More often we have to enjoy seafood not only during the summer months.

Salmon excellent food

Instant Pot Lowcountry Seafood Feast

Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate the activity of white blood cells and have anti-inflammatory properties. They regulate cholesterol and fat and thus protect the cardiovascular system and reduce the risk of heart disease and circulation.

Salmon has a high content of antioxidants, vitamin A (for healthy bone and nervous system), vitamin D (helps absorption of calcium and is useful for the bones) and selenium – a mineral which stimulates the production of antibodies in the body.

And what can we say about lobster?

Lobster Nutrition: Is It Good for You and How Much Is OK to Eat?

It is one of the most delicious and healthy seafood. Who keeps diets can comfortably afford to consume it in large quantities because it is diet and is very low in fat.

Omar is known as the most powerful aphrodisiac, it delivers the double pleasure – during dinner and beyond. Omar has unique taste and although expensive, it is an excellent way to spend the love in the belly of your partner, it impress with dish made personally by you, you can find a lot of recipes to make it.

You should be aware lobsters are quality if you offer small lobsters, better not buy them. A European lobster up to 3 kg weight – also not preferable, there are many shells, but not much meat. It is best on the market or fish shops to choose lobster to 1 kilogram.

If you see live lobsters, you should know that they are transported with tied claws, not hurt so immobilized that causes muscles to atrophy clips, which means that dainty meat may not be much left. Therefore, this option lapse not to buy a large quantity of shells without meat.


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