A day of tomato juice works wonders for your figure and your health. Tomato juice is consumed primarily canned. But the juice from fresh tomatoes is extremely useful. It causes an alkaline reaction, provided that it is combined with foods containing concentrated starches and refined sugars.
If available, tomato juice provokes acidic reaction in the body. Tomatoes have relatively high contents of citric and malic acid, as well as a certain amount of oxalic acid. These acids are particularly useful in the processes of metabolism, of course, only if they are in an organic form.
When tomatoes are cooked or preserved, said acids are inorganic and therefore harmful to the body. In some cases, the formation of kidney stones and gall is due to the consumption of culinary processed or canned tomatoes, especially when it is accompanied by the intake of starch and sugar. It turns out that tomato juice is much more useful than tomatoes.
Fresh and raw tomato juice is rich in sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. There are many different varieties of tomatoes, all of which, if used in fresh and raw, have excellent nutritional qualities.
Highly nutritious
Tomato juice, enjoyed on its own, is a widely consumed beverage originating from fresh tomatoes. Several products on the market, however, like V8, intertwine the flavors and nutritional benefits of other vegetables, including celery, carrots, and beets, resulting in a blended vegetable juice mix.
Focusing on the nutritional composition of a single cup (240 milliliters) of canned tomato juice, it contains approximately 41 calories, a protein content of 2 grams, and an equivalent amount of dietary fiber. This serving size provides a significant percentage of the recommended daily intake for various vitamins and minerals.
For instance, it provides 22% of the recommended intake for vitamin A, largely derived from alpha- and beta-carotenoids, which the body is capable of converting into vitamin A. It also delivers a robust 74% of the recommended daily amount for vitamin C. Additional vitamins present include vitamin K at 7%, thiamine (B1) at 8%, niacin (B3) also at 8%, pyridoxine (B6) making up 13%, and folate (B9) constituting 12% of daily values.
From a mineral perspective, the same volume offers 7% of the daily value for magnesium, a sizable 16% for potassium, and trace amounts of copper and manganese, contributing 7% and 9% to the daily values, respectively.
The incorporation of tomato juice into your diet can significantly contribute to the intake of essential vitamins and minerals. Particularly noteworthy is the almost complete fulfillment of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C from just one cup, and a sizeable provision towards the vitamin A requirement—thanks to the presence of carotenoids. These substances not only transform into vitamin A, which is vital for maintaining healthy vision and tissue, but also serve an additional role as powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help ward off cellular damage by neutralizing free radicals, unstable particles that can cause oxidative stress.
But here are some of the benefits of tomato juice
1. Food and nutrients contained in tomato juice, make it a balm for all bodies;
2. Regular consumption of tomato juice prevents vitamin deficiency;
3. Enhances immunity;
4. Lack of sugar in it allows to drink and diabetics;
5. There zhlachogonnite effect;
6. Well affects digestion;
7. It is recommended that people with impaired metabolism;
8. Suitable for diet in order to maintain the shape and health – care for the balance of minerals in the body and prevents dehydration;
9. It is rich vitamins C and E, magnesium and phosphorus, which help us to restore us after stress;
10. Useful trace elements – potassium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus.
Due to the acidic composition tomato juice is low-calorie – in 100 ml contains only 20 kcal. It is therefore advisable to make a landing day a week in which to drink Parts 1 liter of tomato juice. At night you can add a few lettuce leaves, 200 g black bread. It is water – pone1.5-2 l. This one-day mode clears the body.