Interesting but effective ways to weight loss – dance and proper breathing. Dance is one of the most successful methods in the fight against obesity and overweight. They have an extraordinary effect on man’s physics and psyche. The dances must be mostly fast – rock, twist, latino, but it’s nice to make slower movements from time to time. Dance is just like the gym.
It should be started with light exercise and the body should be loaded gradually. Young people have to go to a discotheque more often, but do not overdo drink and cigarettes. According to official data, nearly 60% of people are overweight. For this reason many people suffer from ulcer, colitis and cardiovascular disease.
Dance to lose weight
Overweight is also one of the major causes of stroke and heart attack. “Obesity is due to a change in diet and it has to be at least 40 days to have the effect of weight loss, but then the intestinal tract becomes accustomed to the regimen and will be more difficult if you choose to change it.” If the mother does not have proper diet and eating habits, it will affect the fetus and it will be prone to various overweight diseases.
According to experts, children should eat at least four times a day with cooked and healthy food and eat foods and vegetables with a low glycemic index between meals. This type of foods pick up and lower blood sugar very slowly, which keeps the body sieve for a long time. Besides, while they are young, kids have to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and eat fish twice a week. To lose weight with breathing
Weight loss with breathing
Over-eating and obesity in most cases is a consequence of emotional or psychological problems. Eat when we are stressed, angry when we lack love and understanding. Food is a compensation for other gaps in life. Increasingly, experts recommend not diet, but addressing these gaps in life, in different forms.
Heart coherence is a state of synchronization between breathing and heart rhythm. It is to maintain harmony between the two processes. Thus, stress levels decrease, breathing improves, and all processes in the body flow more smoothly.
Breathing exercises
The ability to reach heart coherence is especially recommended for people under stress. It overcomes the effects of tension on the body and the psyche. Taking control of breathing and hence heartbeat, has proven to reduce depression, panic attacks and anxiety. This improves the individual’s health.
Thyroid function re-activates and weight again becomes normal. Breathing is done three times a day, 5 minutes. Inhales deeply for 5 seconds and exhales for 5 seconds. A rheometer is used for optimal results. The inhalation itself should be done from the abdomen, with full breasts, through the nose. It exhales again through the nose. When you breathe, your body must be at rest, but it does not lie.