Foods high in iron

Foods high in iron that can be helpful in our spring diet. The acid in them corrodes to a very small extent the metal from which they are made, so that iron ions from it pass into food. Other substances in food can interfere with your body’s proper absorption of iron. One of them is tannic acid, which is contained in tea.

In poor countries, where there is a shortage of foods rich in vitamin E, the tradition of drinking tea tilts the scales in the body and leads to a lack of iron. This will not happen if you eat a varied and balanced diet containing fruits and vegetables. Some spices, calcium in dairy products, some substances in whole grains reduce your body’s ability to properly absorb iron. If you take more than 300 mg of calcium a day, the risk of poor absorption of iron is real.

Among the foods that interfere with the absorption of iron are the eggs so loved by many of us. Eggs contain the compound fosvitin, which mainly interferes with the absorption of iron from plant sources.

Chocolate and coffee are also enemies of the proper absorption of iron

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They contain phenolic ingredients that also interfere with the absorption of iron from plant sources. Although useful in many ways, nuts contain phytates, which act as natural blocking agents for iron and can reduce its absorption by as much as 50-65%. It is good to avoid too much fiber. While it is true that fiber helps reduce bad cholesterol and improves digestion, foods high in fiber will cause problems for people who are prone to problematic iron absorption.

Fiber causes food to pass through the digestive system faster, which automatically means that iron also passes too quickly and is not properly absorbed. This does not mean that you should exclude them from your diet. Eat a variety of foods through which foods that slow down and speed up the absorption of iron will compensate each other.

Follow a moderate diet and do not deprive yourself of important nutrients. At the same time, do not abuse the intake of harmful foods that put extra strain on the stomach. If you have concerns about iron deficiency in the body, it is best to consult a doctor.

Iron deficiency is most common in women of childbearing potential

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Women are more likely to develop iron deficiency due to menstruation, especially if it is heavy menstruation. It is estimated that in developed countries up to 16% of menstruating women experience a lack of iron in the body, while in underdeveloped countries the proportion can increase to 70%. Also, blood loss due to other causes, such as ulcers or hemorrhoids, can lead to iron deficiency anemia and in rare cases can be responsible for kidney disease, liver disease, cancer, thalassemia and any other disease that can cause bleeding.

On the other hand, iron deficiency can be the result of a diet low in vitamins and minerals or the result of intestinal malabsorption, alcoholism or childbirth. People who follow a vegetarian diet are more at risk of developing iron deficiency, so a balanced diet or the use of nutritional supplements recommended after consultation is recommended. One of the causes of the deficiency is anemia, also called iron deficiency anemia. It is caused by too small amounts of iron.

Symptoms of anemia can be: fatigue, weakness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating. Here are other causes of iron deficiency. Pregnancy – Pregnant women have a higher risk of iron deficiency, so experts recommend taking 27 milligrams of iron a day. Menstruation – This is another reason that depletes the body’s iron stores.

For this reason, women have a higher rate of anemia than men. More physical effort – Women athletes are at increased risk of iron deficiency, and researchers believe that they need more iron to transport oxygen properly so that they can exert themselves.

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