Cardamom aromatic spice

Cardamom aromatic spice with a very attractive flavor. Its bright green pods hiding tiny black pearls with flavor whose strength enriches the taste properties of a wide range of dishes.

Cardamom compares with vanilla and coincidentally in India he replaces in many recipes.

Cardamom has a lot of advantages – it can be used in savory dishes. Cardamom comes in two varieties: green and brown.

In health food stores you can also find white kardamonovi pods that have gone through the process of bleaching. The brown cardamom is larger in size and has a vague taste.

It is therefore recommended the use of green cardamom, which has a delicate taste and more flavorful.

Cardamom instead of vanilla

Cardamom – The Aromatic Spice Full of Health Benefits - BERRYGANICS

Use vanilla cardamom instead next time I make homemade ice cream. Split the cardamom pods and add it to milk. Allow the milk to absorb the flavor of the spice from small seeds. Allow to cool before filtering;

Cardamom sugar

Divide kardamonovite pods with a spoon and take the small seeds that are inside. Place the seeds in a mortar and crush them with a teaspoon of sugar. Use cardamon sugar in drinks or pasta;

Delicious and spicy dishes

5 Surprising Cardamom Benefits: From Breathing to Beauty - Organic India

Cardamom does wonders with spicy dishes. When preparing sauce tomato-based chicken, add the seeds of cardamom and cinnamon in the mix. You will enjoy an intriguing dish;

Freshen with cardamom

In ancient Rome cardamom been highly evaluated and used as a fragrant aroma. Romans, Egyptians and Greeks used cardamom to brush their teeth after meals. You can do the same, replacing gum seed across cardamom pod that dissolve in the mouth;

Tea cardamom

Cardamom is a spice that is used more in the kitchen. However, in many Eastern cultures used to make aromatic tea. This spice has a very strong flavor that usually dominate other spices. The strong odor is due to the oil present in the seeds. The supposed health benefits of cardamom come from these oils, which include terpinene, borneol, eucalyptol, camphor and limonene.

Tea of cardamom is prepared by crushing the seeds, which are then placed in boiling water to get rid beneficial oils. Many historians cardamom was first assistant digestive problems our ancestors for centuries. It is used in medicine for the treatment of bowel against gas, heartburn, stomachache, indigestion and cramps.

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