Figs against blood clots

Figs against blood clots, this fragrant and delicious fruit – fig consumed raw, fresh or in savory pastries, is extremely useful. Figs normalize heart rate and are recommended for treatment of blood clots. They are quite calorie and satiate – 100 g of them has 3 grams of fiber. A fiber, except that promote digestion, lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. In the fruit contains vitamins B, PP, C, beta carotene and the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

In potassium – a mineral that regulates blood pressure and other important functions in the body, figs second only to nuts. The content of iron fig compete even apple. Two large figs you can get calcium from half a cup of milk. Fig is rich in vitamin A, organic acids and an enzyme called protease, which facilitates the digestion of meat. 100 g fresh figs contain 25 calories and 100 grams of dried figs contain 100 calories.

Figs have laxative function and act refreshing. You can pick up six washed figs and place them in warm water, not hot, for 8-12 hours until softened. In the morning eat on an empty stomach. Patients with anemia nice to eat figs, and people with liver disease and the spleen. Children’s nice to drink juice or eat the figs cut into small pieces, are recommended for pregnant women.

If you are tired or frustrated by physical labor it is also good to eat. Fig helps with inflammation of the urinary tract. This fruit may also be used externally in the case of angina and inflammation of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, abscess, ulcers). Decoction of 40-120 g figs soaked in a liter of water is very useful in chronic bronchitis and laryngitis. Figs are really highly nutritious and contains almost all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the human body.

Figs contain iron, potassium, Beta Carotene (with anti-aging properties), and benzaldehyde (anti-carcinogenic component) and [flavonoids]. They also contain the digestive enzyme called ficin. Containing these nutrients figs, they are useful for the prevention of constipation (with their high content of dietary fiber), anemia, and cancer prevention. A little known fact is that figs contain the chemical psoralen, which has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years to treat diseases associated with skin pigmentation.

The nutrients contained in figs are particularly useful for our stressful lives today. A quarter cup of figs provides almost one fifth of the daily required doses of dietary fiber for good digestion. It also supplies 1, 2 mg (6%) of iron, 53 mg (6%) and 244 mg of calcium (7% of the daily dose) potassium, of which the body needs. Figs contain no fat, sodium and cholesterol.

Dried figs They a

Everything You Need to Know About Dried Figs – Ayoub's Dried Fruits & Nuts

re also one of the best alternatives to sugar. Pureed figs can be used as sweeteners in many recipes.

Damage figs

In rare cases may occur allergies delicious fruit. A suspected hypersensitivity Consult with an allergist. In figs contained oksilati – natural compounds, which, if released in the body in larger concentrations crystallize and may cause health problems. Dried figs were treated with sulfites and sulfur dioxide, which allows to preserve them for a long time. If you are sensitive to sulfur products be more careful.

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